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Andrea Kristin
Aug 3, 20236 min read
Review: Switching to the Period cup
It's been a year since I made the switch and here's what I have learnt and what you need to know if you starting to warm up to the idea of b
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Jul 15, 20216 min read
Beautifully functional: Small family bathroom design
Our only bathroom in our house is on the small size and has the door in a place that doesn’t allow for maximizing the space. It’s a...
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May 26, 202114 min read
The first year of motherhood: 10 things I learnt to thrive instead of just surviving!
From the moment your first child is born, people say you are also born as a mother and while you are, people often forget that you are...
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Jan 13, 20214 min read
Practical (and beautiful) alternative to plastic dinnerware for kids
If you have little kids or have been around them you would know the need to keep them far away from standard dinnerware - glasses and...
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Jan 5, 20214 min read
Designing a small room for a toddler
My little boy is almost 2yrs and it has come time to move him out of the nursery and the cot in prep for the arrival of baby number 2....
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Nov 25, 20207 min read
Ideas to be more sustainable this Christmas
As I get older I have become more and more aware of my consumption and impact on the world, and Christmas is one of those times what you...
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Andrea Kristin
Apr 23, 202017 min read
My birth story Part 2: Birthing Breech Naturally
On Sunday morning at about 2am I woke up from what felt like a contraction. I had never had a contraction before so I didn't really know...
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Andrea Kristin
Apr 22, 202012 min read
My birth story Part 1: The importance of choice and knowledge
Like so many I believed that the best care during pregnancy and birth was only with an obstetrician. I had paid the crazy amount to up my...
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Andrea Kristin
Aug 6, 201819 min read
The silent crippling pain of my first pregnancy ending in miscarriage
As a woman, you understand that miscarriages are possible but beyond that it’s not something you overly consider or really know anyone...
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Andrea Kristin
Aug 28, 20174 min read
Plant your home happy
Image source: If you have not really had indoor plants before...
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Andrea Benny
May 3, 20178 min read
Anxiety: My story about learning how to manage it
I am known in my family as the ‘worrier’, I wasn’t always like this, as a small kid I remember been hugely confident and outgoing, I...
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Andrea Kristin
Feb 17, 20173 min read
Smell. The forgotten sense for capturing and remembering moments and experiences
We all love to take pictures, it is of course the easiest way to capture a moment these days. We rely on sight a lot to trigger memories,...
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Andrea Kristin
Jul 15, 20166 min read
Discovering my power with the Power Pose
I have always been terrible at public speaking, interviews, running sessions and meetings, anything where all eyes are on me and I am...
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May 20, 20167 min read
Challenge your limits: How I discovered I can do so much more than I ever thought...and how you can
A year ago a friend of mine told me she was going to do a triathlon, I was so inspired by her ability to give it a go, something so tough...
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Andrea Kristin
Feb 11, 20162 min read
Send yourself Postcards: A unique and personalised way to remember your trip
A couple of years back one of my very close friends went on huge trip around Europe to then live in England for a while. She was told of...
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Andrea Kristin
Nov 10, 20154 min read
Growing your own herbs is an easy way to improve your eating
Ever since I moved out of home I have been living in apartments, so I am yet to have a garden to truly call my own. Unit living however...
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