About Me
I have always been someone who hates the idea of classifying myself as something, I think because we are more than just our job title, our relationship status, our parental status, where we live, etc. I am not Andrea the wife, the mum, the CEO... I am just Andrea!!
I guess I can explain myself as someone who has never had that one thing they are amazing at, that thing that really resonates with them. I have never been the best or really good at anything, ever! When I was young this used to frustrate me, but now I see that since I don't have the one thing that I am excellent at or singly passionate about, I have more time to try and experience so many different things.
So instead of one label, here are a bunch of things about me!
I am Australian I grew up and live by the beach
I have a husband, a son, a daughter, a cat, a Hungarian Vizsla (my Velcro dog)!
I worked in Market Research for 15 years and became a CEO when I was 23. After having Children I now help my husband run our Production Company
I practice yoga and became a qualified yoga teacher in 2016
I suck at running and did a half marathon to see if I could change that, didn't work!
I love to snowboard, I love the mountains. If I didn't live by the beach I would be in the mountains
I am pretty sure I am mildly dyslexic, which you will discover through my writing!
I go to the gym regularly, mainly for cardio and strength classes
I am a massive worrier, anxiety is the bane of my existence at times
I am arty, I paint, photograph and just love to create
Travel is one of the most important things in my life, and this is probably an understatement!
My husband is a photographer and now a director. He had always taken photos of me so when instagram became a thing I decided to put up some of the photos we take. He has taught me so much about photography, I love to take photos.
I have done two short triathlons, I love them and want to do more but they are hard to train for!
I love hiking and camping, but I am yet to combine the two, as I haven't warmed up to the idea of carrying my tent for hours!
I am a music lover, I am one of those people who remember lyrics to every song, even ones I hate!
I super love swimming, both in a pool and the ocean - it's my happy place
I am not a perfectionist at all, I am more of a doer. Just start, then you can refine and grow as you go
I have my open water cert in diving, I love being under water
The older I get the more I can see the insane waste humans make, every year I am changing habits and being a little less wasteful
I am passionate about ethical fashion and locally made and owned companies
Trying to comprehend Space and the Universe actually freaks me out! It's too big, lets never talk about it again!
If something works for me, I love to share it with others. Knowledge kept to yourself is wasted.
This list is forever changing and growing. One thing always leads to another, and that in turn changes the shape of what I am about. My anxiety is what pushed me to excel at work, my responsibilities at work were (and still are) tough and this is what led me to yoga to cope with it. Yoga led me to becoming a yoga teacher and that led me wanting to share it with others and running a charity yoga studio. A similar thing happened with my fitness, been inspired by a friend to do a beginners triathlon led me to completing two 1km ocean swims, a half marathon, and a sprint length triathlon. All of this has then led me to hiking, and now planning trips around hiking overseas. I used to be adamant that I was not a long distance kind of person so these things never crossed my mind as possible for me, but saying yes just once can lead you to places you never knew were possible.
I have created this page as another creative outlet to write about the things that are important to me, share my experiences and talk about the things I find interesting. I hope others can realise like I have that you can do anything wholeheartedly just because you love it, that you don't need to work in the area of your other passions in order for you to have a reason to pursue them as much as you like.

'I found that the more truthful and vulnerable I was the more empowering it was for me '